NHS England describes Social Prescribing as “helping patients to improve their health, wellbeing and social welfare by connecting them to community services which might be run by the council or a local charity.”2 Community services could range from art classes to walking clubs or support groups. Social Prescribing enables health care professionals to refer people to a range of nonclinical support, often via a Link Worker who coordinates what is available in the community for a social prescription. It is intended to help people to have more control over their lives, avoiding them becoming trapped in a ‘revolving door’ of services. It may also lead to resource savings and shifts for health and social care through reduced inappropriate use of and improved integration of services. Social Prescribing is particularly suitable for people who:
- are lonely or isolated
- have long-term conditions
- use the NHS the most
- have mental health needs
- struggle to engage with services
- have wider social issues e.g. debt, housing problems, employability issues, relationship problems
- are carers
Your practice has access to Social prescribers who are now working at your practice.